Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Crusades Essay - 2695 Words

The Crusades: series of wars by Western European Christians to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims. (Encarta Crusades) The Crusades first began in 1096 and ended in the late 13th century. The term Crusade originally meant that the Europeans would use all their efforts to regain the power from the Muslims. They wanted to retake the city of Jerusalem, which was holy to Christians because thats where the crucifixion of Jesus Christ occurred. Europeans later used it to allocate any military efforts against non-Christians. The Crusaders also created feudal states in the Near East. The Crusades played an important role of European expansion and colonialism. They mark the first time Western Christendom undertook a military initiative†¦show more content†¦The pope was led by his position as the spiritual head of Western Europe, by the weakness of the rulers in Germany (the Holy Roman Empire) or France who could take over the effort, and by a call for help from the Byzantine em peror, Alexius I. These factors were perfect causes, and at the same time, it made sense for the call of a Crusade. The first crusade is said to fall in two parts. Part One: A crusade for the people. And Part Two: a crusade for the princes. In any case, Urbans speech was well known to thousands of people of all classes. It was the perfect time and place for his speech. It is like when things go bad in todays society and someone comes along and says, We should do something about it. Everybody would agree and make an effort to play a role in it. The First Crusade, which began in 1096, was successful. Their main goal was to free Jerusalem and they did it. After the successful crusade it made Western Christian military in the Near East be dominant for almost 200 years. The Crusaders called this area Outremer, French for beyond the seas. The First Crusade was the question of its time. It attracted no European kings or major nobles. It drew mainly lesser barons and their followers. They c ame primarily from the lands of French culture and language, which is why Westerners in Outremer were referred to as Franks.(Krey, 21) The Crusaders faced many obstacles. They had no obvious orShow MoreRelatedThe First Crusade And The Crusade1192 Words   |  5 PagesThe first crusade started in autumn of 1095. Pope Urban II initiated the first crusade by calling upon his Christians to reclaim the city of Jerusalem. The Crusade was also meant to seek revenge on the followers of Islam. The followers were accused of committing crimes against â€Å"Christendom†. 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At the beginning, the Third Crusade was called under the belief that by reclaiming the Holy Land of Jerusalem, the ChristiansRead MoreThe Children s Crusade : A Crusade Of The Holy Land859 Words   |  4 PagesThe brief campaign of the thirteen-century Children’s crusade was not technically a crusade in the sense that medieval Europeans understood the term and lasted only a few months during the year 1212. It lacked Papal sanction and its participants marched without the customary indulgences granted to those engaged in warfare to defend the Faith. 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On top of the already present religious fervor the most of Europe had, these preachings drove people to act on their devoutness to God. The Children’s Crusade, which was a popular religious movement in Europe during 1212, was a movement in which thousands of youth assembled and took crusading vows, their objective was to recoverRead MoreThe Crusades : The First Crusade Essay1995 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Crusades, I only com e out of them with a vague understanding of the situation. So, I sought out to gain a greater understanding through the vision of the question, Was the first crusade a success, and if so, what made it a success? Using The Crusades: A Reader, specifically the writings and documents from pages 33-79, I will make a decision based on specific occurrences and their ultimate goal (CITE SOURCE WITH FULL CITATION).I plan on picking out important aspects of the first crusade andRead MoreThe World Of The Crusades1518 Words   |  7 Pageslearning about the crusades. The people, weapons, food, diseases, and technological advances (or disadvantages since it was the Dark Age) were all taught to us and now it is time to put it to the test. We learned that the crusades affected all three religions that have ties to Jerusalem, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. We watched Kingdom of Heaven, a historical fiction movie based on the crusades. The time of the story that we see is based between the seco nd and third crusade. Although the movieRead MoreImpact of the Crusades642 Words   |  3 Pagesthe Crusades The Crusades were a very important part of history. It has been said that The Crusades are what started the beginning of modernization. Not only were they what started the beginning of modernization, they also had many impacts on Europe. The four major areas of impact on Europe were in the Economic, Political, Social, and Religious parts. Though all the areas were impacted, not all were good impacts. 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What we call crusades, contemporaries knew as pilgrimages or even simply journeys. Aside from a tiny elite, people were illiterate and even if they could read, there was no access to a Bible or any scriptural

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Brian Franks Essay Example For Students

Brian Franks Essay Dr. Dave BorkowskiIntro to LiteratureMarch 6, 2003 The Talk of the TownWhat makes a man a man, and a woman a woman? This is an easy questionto answer, but sometimes we draw lines that arent really there. There arepeople in this world that are innocent and others who follow the sinfulways of true life. Now, when we think of men, we think of leaders, who arestrong people and they can protect the weak and the innocent, from thosewho are sinful. When we think of women, we tend to think of the nurturingthat helps raise children to love. Think about the awful things that happenduring war. Each person who is born in the world has to have a mother. Themother teaches her child to love and to cherish life and people. Then whydo they let them go to war? The horrors of war and the meaningless behindit show up in the Vietnam War. United States Marines, Army, Navy, AirForce, and other forces as well, must keep this country alive and fight forits freedom. Without these fighters the world as these p eople know it,would end. There has to sacrifice right? Well, two Vietnam veterans andtheir mother will tell you their stories about how and what went throughtheir minds, then and now. Good Evening. My name is Ron Kovic, and I am, or I should say, was amarine in the United States Marine Corp. I served my country and I realizedthat I dont know what to feel for it any more. I had lost faith in myreligion, my family, and myself. It has been rough times to think aboutwhat had happened over there, but it bothers me to this day.Oh Ron, please dont lie to the people like this, Rons mother said. Mom, why would I lie about the truth?I dont know what happened to you over there, but you have gone nuts. Areyou on drugs?Am I on drugs? Mom I am your son, how can you say that Im on drugs!I wasnt saying, I was asking you. Youve changed a lot from my littleboy, I once knew.Did it ever occur to you that Im not your little boy anymore? Forgoodness sake, Im almost thirty now. I had one hell of a time out thereand all you can say to me is, Are you on drugs? Maybe you should thinkabout what I did, what happened to me! You act as if you dont care! Im ina goddamn wheelchair! Why the hell dont you come to your senses? War isreal. It kills people. Innocent people, Mom! I killed innocent people!I never raised you to do that. Thats your fathers doing, not mine. Dontblame me for that!Oh bull! You told me to go! You told me you had a dream. Now your dreamhas become a nightmare. You cant face the facts mom. Your little boy isdead! Not dead as in dead, but dead as in gone. Im lost. What I did inVie tnam made me see the real world! I killed someones sons and daughters. I killed them! They arent alive anymore! And for what reason, huh? Why? SoI could come home and you could boast about me being a hero. Im not a damnhero! Im not your little boy! I shot one of my own men. I shot a freakingmarine! What for? Whyd he have to die? Im a lost cause! Im a failure!Youre not a failure, a small voice could be heard from the corner of theroom. Victor Marquez and his mother, Angelina, enter the room. Ron andVictor were war buddies in Vietnam. Ron recognizes Victor immediately. .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f , .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .postImageUrl , .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f , .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:hover , .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:visited , .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:active { border:0!important; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:active , .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4350c658275a9d6f8124be61d643d53f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Corporal Punishment Is Physical Abuse EssayIts not your fault you killed those people.It is my fault and it is my problem that I have to live with for the restof my life. Yea thats right, lucky me! I have a life to live! Sure, whythe heck not. I live in pain and suffering of what I saw and did and my ownmother, my own freaking mother cant see eye to eye with me! Why go on? Whydidnt I die?You killed innocent people. So did I. I burned bodies and whats worse, Iloved it! I loved what I did for my country and Id go back in a heartbeat. Yea, it was tough. But get over yourself. Whats done is done. Moveon. You killed people so that we can have the freedoms we have today. Without those freedoms, we can not fight, we can not stand up for ourbeliefs, and we can not live.Youre a sick man, you know that, Victor. You piece of crap (Ronstarts to tear up and lose control.)Angelina Marquez stands up and says, Mrs. Kovic, you have to understandwhat these boys went through. They killed and slaughtered innocent people. Yes they were fighting for us. Thats me and you, Mrs. Kovic. Our boysfought for us and there is nothing that would make me happier than to havea boy grow up and save us from the evils of this world. If my boy had tokill millions of people just to eat, then so be it. Our boys are alive;cant you be happy about that at least? Cant you see that your son put hislife on the line for you? I have lost my faith in Jesus and in god. I haverealized that people live and die. There are no reasons, they just happen. Wars are fought because people disagree, not because god told them to doit. You have to understand that people have minds, and that life is notgiven to us, or taken from us, life is death. To be alive is to die, and todie is to re-grow as grass for the world. There is nothing more than that,Mrs. Kovic.There is a saying in the military, There are no atheists in foxholes,now that might be true before you die while at battle, because you want tobe somewhere else, but that fact is if you live, you lose all hope. Youcant think god will save you. Why would he? You killed people. Isnt oneof the commandments, though shall not kill? So why have war? Why fight?Ron said. Ron, you are my son, but I cant have you not believe in god, for thebetter of our family. You show a bad influence to your brothers andsisters. I cant think that I raised you to be this way. Ron, you have tounderstand why I feel this way. I feel this way for the better of ourfamily. So they dont see the realities of the world and how horrible itis. I look at you and see a disaster. I dont want my family to think thatthat is what life is like. Not all lives have to be happy, some arent. What you have realize is that its better to be ignorant than unhappy.Mom, I am your son. Ive seen the real world. Ive seen what can happento, even the best of people. I dont believe in god, because I see too muchevil the life. You must understand that I am alive and because I am alive,you have to believe that god saved me. Thats what you think, that godsaved me. Did he? I feel that god saves no one. No one can save anyone. IfI could save anyone in my life, Id save myself. Not you, not dad, not mybrothers or sisters, or my damn country! Id get rid of the horrors I sawand the horrible things I did. Then maybe youd be in your own dream worldand we can all be happy again, but life is a bitch and death is itsmother.The group continued to talk and it seems that no one will ever getthe upper hand. It seems to me that what people see, hear, and do make aperson who they are. If you are one way, the only way to change that viewis to see it, but sometimes you cant prove it, you just have to bel ieve.